
People always say words fail to hurt you if you won’t allow them to.What they fail to realize is that compliments and words of encouragement can also fail to help someone.When my grandfather died, my main concern was becoming someone he could be proud of, and that led to creating huge standards for myself. While I did improve, I was never good enough for myself. Any compliments I received went in through one ear, and out the other. I always thanked them for their kind words but I just couldn’t believe I was good enough to get any compliments and that they were all lies. I was not good enough for those words, I was not good enough for anyone.

In hindsight, they probably were complimenting my achievements because I was always improving, but since I never reached the impossible goals I set for myself, there was no way for me at the time to be able to see that.The best thing you can do for someone going through something is to stay by them and maybe they will eventually be able to see that those kind words are not lies.


Being happy


I am stronger